What I do.


I explain pensions, benefits and investment in ways ordinary people can understand. I do this by writing content that:

  • is in plain English

  • talks to its target audience in a tone of voice they identify with – whether this is:

    • friendly and chatty

    • businesslike and no-nonsense

    • inspirational and empowering, or

    • wacky and fun.

My experience.

‘I had the pleasure of working with Felicity for around 10 years whilst at Aon. Felicity was my “go to” person when it came to communications, something I needed for all my Member Options (liability management) projects - probably over 20 large projects together over the years!

‘I found her writing style was very clear and concise - particularly when it came to simplifying complex actuarial issues to the individual member. Likewise, very easy person to work with. If the technical features needed changing she was always happy to take on feedback and make appropriate amends.’

James Allinson, Senior Manager at EY


I spent 19 years as a copywriter with the Aon UK Communication Practice.

I’ve written more pension newsletters than I could shake a stick at - including summary funding statements - as well as letters, emails, booklets, presentations, video scripts, new business pitches and award entries. I’ve worked on a lot of highly personalised items such as benefit statements. At Aon I developed a set of communications for explaining liability management offers such as pension increase exchange and enhanced transfer.

More recently I’ve mainly been working on online communications, including a website to help people plan and prepare for their retirement.

My experience covers all flavours of DB and DC pensions including communications from trustee boards and employers. Here's a selection of the subjects I’ve dealt with.

  • DC investment education

  • Pension scams

  • Pensions and tax

  • Auto enrolment

  • GMP reconciliation and equalisation

  • DB-to-DC change consultations

  • Changing RPI increases to CPI



Music and theatre. I sing, act and dance with two local community theatre groups: HLO Musical Company and Q2 Players. I’m HLO’s webmistress and regularly act as sound tech for Q2. I also sing in the choir of St Philip and St James's Church, Whitton.

Gardening. I attempt to grow fruit and vegetables with varying degrees of success.

Craft beer and hedgerow brewing. I aim to sample as many different craft beers as possible, brew my own from kits and from hops I grow in the garden. I also make hedgerow wine including elderflower, elderberry, nettle and blackberry.

Sport and fitness. I regularly run, practise yoga and calisthenics (no-equipment strength and agility exercises) and go swimming whenever possible. On many Saturdays I do the 'parkrun' at Crane Park, Twickenham, either running or volunteering as a marshal or timekeeper. And I love skiing.